Complete Web Design & Development

                                           Core PHP


Introduction to HTML

Formatting Element      List         Image          Tables      Frames       Forms

Introduction PHP

 Evaluation of PHP     Basic Syntax     Mixing HTML and PHP      Echo Power     Adding comment to PHP

Working with variables and Constants,     PHP Data type


Math operators    Arithmetic operator      Comparison operator     Logical operator

Assignment operators    String operators

Decision Making and Loops

The If else statement     The if else if statement      The switch statement

The while loop      The do-while loop       The for loop

 String and Arrays

The string functions    Converting from strings and numbers      String Formatting

Creating an Array        Array Function     Modifying Array

The for each loop    Multidimensional Array


Creating functions    Parameter passing    a) Call by value  b) call by reference

Array from Functions

  Creating buttons

Text fields   Text areas   Check boxes     Radio buttons    List boxes

Image maps    File uploads

  Object Oriented Programming

Class and objects     Private , Public ,Protected accsess     Constructors and Destructors

Inheritance    Overriding methods , overloading methods

Graphics Design

Drawing Lines    Draw Rectangles    Draw Ellipses    Draw Polygons

 File handling

Opening a file     Closing a file    Reading from a file    Reading characters from a file

Reading whole file at once    Getting file size with file size

Cascading style sheet - CSS



                                   Advance PHP


 Advanced object oriented programming

Static methods     Static members and Inheritance       Abstract classes

Interface          Final keyword


Reading a cookie     Deleting a cookie       Deleting a file with FTP

Creating and removing directories         Sending E-mail        Adding attachment

 Graphics Design

Creating an image       Displaying images in HTML      Drawing Lines      Draw Rectangles

Draw Ellipses     Draw Polygons      Draw Text    Flipping Images

Working with database with MYSQL

What is database     Creating a MySql database     Creating new table   

Putting data into new database     Connection of database    Displaying table    Creating database

Database connectivity with MYSQL

 Introduction to RDBMS     Connection with MySql       Updating databases

Reading the Table     Deleting Records     Creating new tables    Creating new Databases


Writing AJAX      Ajax with Php      Ajax with XML

Graphics Design

Displaying images in HTML      Drawing Lines      Draw Rectangles    Draw Ellipses

Draw Polygons       Draw Text      Flipping Images

Bootstrap 5