Tally Prime

Tally Prime with GST

Lesson -1

Getting Functional

    1. Tally Start-Up, Tally screen components & Quitting Tally


Company Information

2.1 Loading of Tally, 2.2 Company creation, 2.3 Alteration of Company, 2.4 Deletion of Company

2.5 Selection of Company & 2.6 Shut a company


Set-up Accounts masters

3.1 Introduction Groups & Ledgers, 3.2 Assets, Liabilities, Incomes & Expenses

3.3 The Group

3.3.1 Creating Group, 3.3.2 Creating Multiple Group, 3.3.3 Altering or Modifying Group

3.3.4 Permanently Deleting a Group & 3.3.5 Displaying a Group

3.4 The ledger

3.4.1 Creating a Single Ledger 3.4.2 Creating a Multiple Ledgers, 3.4.3 Displaying or alter a Ledger, 3.4.3 Deleting a Ledger, 3.4.4 Displaying a multiple Ledgers


Preparing Final Accounts

4.1 Creating Trading Accounts, 4.2 Creating Profit & Loss Accounts, 4.3 Creating a Balance Sheet & Lab Exercises

Lesson -5

Accounting Voucher

5.1 Voucher Types, 5.1.1 Contra Voucher (F4), 5.1.2 Payment Voucher (F5), 5.1.3 Receipt Voucher (F6)

5.1.4 Journal Voucher (F7), 5.1.5 Sales Voucher (F8), 5.2 Predefined Voucher Types

5.3 Alter a Predefined Voucher Types,  5.4 Creating a voucher entry, 5.5 Displaying a Voucher Entry

5.5 Deleting a Voucher Entry, Lab Exercises


Cost Centre and Cost Categories

6.1 Enabling Accounting Features, 6.2 creating cost categories, 6.3 alteration and deletion of cost categories

6.4 creating a cost centre, 6.4.5 creating multiple cost centers,    6.4.5 alteration of cost centre


Inventory –Stock

7.1 Creating a Single Stock Group, 7.1.1 Modifying a Single Stock Group,                7.1.2 Displaying a Stock Group

7.1.3 Deleting a Stock Group, 7.1.4 Creating a multiple Stock Groups, 7.2 Creating a Units of measure

7.3 Creating a stock Items, 7.3.1 Creation of Multiple Stock Items, 7.3.2 Alteration and Deletion of Stock Items

7.3.4 Displaying a Multiple Stock Items, 7.4 Purchases Entry (related to inventory), 7.5 Sales Entry

7.6 Return Inward and Outward Entry, 7.7 Viewing Stock Summary Reports, and Lab Exercise


Inventory Vouchers

8.1 order processing----                8.1.2 purchases order Processing, 8.1.2 Sales order processing, 8.1.3 Alteration of purchases order, 8.1.4 Alteration of Sales Order, 8.1.5 Display Order position, 8.1.6 Display columnar order and stock details, 8.2 Delivery Note, 8.3 Receipt Note, 8.4 Rejection In, 8.5 Rejection Out, 8.6 Stock Journal, 8.7 Physical Stock & Lab Exercises


Point of Sales

9.1 introductions of POS, 9.2 creating ledgers, 9.2.1 Creating expenses ledgers, 9.2.2 creating a debtor ledger

9.2.3 Creating a bank ledger, 9.3 creating voucher types, 9.4 creating voucher entry with POS invoice

9.5 printing invoice, Lab Exercises


Goods and Service Tax (GST)

10.1 introductions to GST

  • Integrated Tax, Central Tax, State  Tax

10.2 calculation of GST (IGST, SGST, CGST), 10.3 Enabling GST for company, 10.4 Setting up GST Rates

10.5 creating sales and purchases ledger for GST, 10.6 Creating party ledger for Gst, 10.7 Recording purchases entry under GST, 10.8 Recording sales entry under GST, 10.9 Generate GSTR-1 Reports

10.10 Generate GSTR-2 Reports, 10.11 reverse charges on purchases from unregistered dealer

  1.  Create URD supplier ledger(Local)
  2. Create supplier ledger of Inter State
  3. Create purchases ledger
  4. Create CGST, SGST, IGST ledger
  5. Recording purchases entry from URD
  6. Recording purchase entry from Local supplier
  7. Recording purchase entry from inter-state supplier
  8. View total tax liability under reverse charge GST in GSTR-2
  9. Recording a journal voucher entry for increase a tax liability on purchases from URD
  10. TDS under GST.

10.12 recording a payment entry for SGST, CGST, 10.13 journal voucher to raise the liability

Lesson 11    

Managing tally

11.1 Group Company, 11.2 Split Company, 11.3 Tally Vault

11.4 Security control & 11.5 Shortcut Keys